Sunday 14 June 2015

A Parched World

Did we know that only 2% of the Water on this planet is fresh water that can be consumed by living beings and 90% of it is in Antarctica.   

A scary situation indeed when we know that icecaps are melting. Just have a look at the shrinking Arctic Ice cap over the years. Almost 50% ice has disappeared due to Global Warming.

As per WHO, access to safe drinking water reliably withing 1 km @ 20 Lit per person per day is the minimum desired  goal.

As per available data 780 Million People do not have access to clean water and 2.5 Billion to adequate sanitation. 

India has 16% of World population with only 4% of fresh water!

In the next post, we will look at water consumption and wastage that our modern lifestyles lead to. A classic case of bottled water is worth studying. More of it in next post. 

Keep tuned in.

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